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Industry News

What is a deductible?

No part of healthcare is straightforward. So many terms, so many numbers, so many rules. But we’re here to help you make sense of it.

Your deductible is the amount of money you must pay out-of-pocket for your healthcare. Once you pay the entire deductible amount, your insurance benefits kick in. That’s when the insurance company pays for a percentage of your care. In most cases, your copay doesn’t count toward your deductible, but it can vary from plan to plan.

It can be a startling number –– as in, thousands of dollars. But you can get preventive care services before you meet your deductible.

Questions about preventative care you can get before meeting your deductible? Still confused? Contact the Zest Health concierge in the Zest app –– one of our benefits experts will help you sort it out.

Zest Staff
Helping folks navigate their healthcare, so benefits are actually beneficial.